
Fetrotech Tool Failed to Read EDC16CP33 Solution

 Renault Laguna III 2.0 EDC16CP33 doesn't work with the Fetrotech Tool black edition, any solution? Solution: on EDC16CP33 GPT0 may need pulled up to enter boot mode. often on old PSAs or Renault. A quick dirty example of a CP33 with GPT0 pulled down via 2K resistor, which may cure some CP33's for renault or PSA group Do always check vehicle list before operation.

PCMTuner Failed to Read Opel EDC17C59 Solution

  PCMTuner flash can't read Opel edc17c59 ecu? Error attached: Solution: If it cannot other ECU on bench, replace transistor it should be ok after. If just on this ecu. Check wiring diagram and make sure connect it correctly Bosch EDC17C59 ECU pinout lots of C59 done and works perfectly.

Fetrotech Tool Read and Write PSA Bosch MD1CS003

 New test feedback: Fetrotech tool read and write Peugeot Citroen PSA Bosch MD1CS003 ECU full flash and eeprom successfully. Use the fetrotech silver edition with pcmtuner . Car starts. Fetrotech MD1CS003 PSA pinout Read and write ok

PCMTuner PSA EDC17C60 Car Not Start After Writing Solution

 Here comes the problem: Finally got my edc17c60 writing with pcmtuner flash , but car doesn't start after 2nd attempt. Citoren C4 1.6 blue HDi 2016 the first reading was made in bench module 71. Solution: PSA EDC17C60 is tprot. You need to do manual tprot change to file before writing You have to Tprot Ori file too if you want to write back. Feedback: Solved. Wrote original file and wrote back the tuned file with checked use optimizations.

How to Solve Fetrotech Tool Software Crash Problem?

Here is the working solution to Fetrotech tool (both silver and black edition ) software crashes or taskbar disappear problems. Preparation: Download Win10 64bit operating system and "One-click backup and restore" tool Win10 64bit System Password: q854 One-click backup and restore Password: mjhs NOTE: Don't put these files on Disk C. Put them on D/E/F or into a U disk. Here we put these files on Disk D. How-to Procedure: Run " One-click backup and restore" tool and press "One-click Restore System" Open Win10x64 system from D://pcmtuner fetrotech folder (where you put on your files) to restore We are getting everything ready for you. After click "One-click Restore System", it will restore system automatically. Wait patiently. Don't shut down computer during the procedure. Download PE Restart PC in 10s Install necessary computer and device drivers Launch HEU KMS Activator … Reloading system. This might

Fetrotech Tool Failed to Read Renault EDC16CP33?

  Problem: I have an ecu edc16cp33 Laguna 3 which is supported by fetrotech tool . Fetrotech can't find ecu on the 3 pinout available. And i can't find boot pinout fetrotech Please help Solution: Problem with EDC16CP33 is there are 2 processor types (MPC561 and MPC564) only one is supported. Do it with K-tag. Also read eeprom. With ktag you can access processor and eeprom directly, so even if ECU itself is damaged it won't effect direct processor reading.

Fetrotech Tool Read VW EDC16C34 Flash EEPROM on Bench

  Fetrotech tool black read and write VW EDC16C34 ECU flash/eeprom good. I also have a pcm tuner which works very well under windows 7 (win 7 pro sp1 full update and edge navigator). I don't like Windows 10. My choice is for the standalone black version because for me each tool must be standalone. Read flash ok Read eeprom ok