ECU Reset (Virgin) vs IMMO OFF: What's the Difference?

 What is the difference between ECU virgin and immo off?

Reset (Virgin) ECU:

Virgin means new ecu or new pcm like 0 key in system. A reset ECU means the ECU has been reset back to a "new" virgin state. With this option the ECU will need to be programmed by a main dealer or qualified technician using specific equipment.

Virgin means like new without any coding information on the control unit. You won’t be able to start the car. You first have to adapt immobilizer/add keys.

IMMO OFF, short for immobilizer off, is a term used in the automotive industry to refer to the process of disabling the immobilizer system in a car.

IMMO OFF is a term used in the automotive industry that refers to the process of disabling the immobilizer system in a car.

IMMO off is simply a modded dump of the ecu flash or eeprom or separate immo box to tell the car no immobilisers function

Used when diagnosing non start car problems not a good idea but helps in trouble shooting.

In some immo files you see the letters T or P . T means total, so immo off/disabled. P stands for Partial that one is used to make the ecu virgin and to reprogram new keys (if I am not wrong). the car is drivable only if the immobilizer is connected and running.

On some ECUs you cannot immo off, only virgin, for example Mercedes ME9.7 ECU.


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