CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU Guide

 Read Suzuki Petrol Denso 33920–67P0 SH72530 ECU successfully with CG FC200 programmer.

To read Denso ECUs you should have Denso ECU license activated on the FC200 software.

Select Suzuki ->Petrol -> Denso 33920–67P0 SH72530 ECU

CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU

Check wiring diagram

CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU

Connect ECU with FC200 following the wiring diagram

CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU
CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU

Identify ECU information

CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU

Read Dflash and save data.

CG FC200 Read Suzuki Denso SH72530 ECU

Read Pflash and save data.

If need to write ECU, write Dflash and Pflash separately.


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