FormulaFlash vs Foxflash vs FC200: ECU Tool Comparison

 What’s the difference between the FormulaFlash and Foxflash? Is it the same as Flex or FC200?

FormulaFlash vs Foxflash vs FC200

1.FormulaFlash is not the same as Foxflash. FormulaFlash works on bench and boot for now. It will be updated with OBD later. Foxflash supports different ECUs E98, E83, Simos XX etc.

It have diffrent car list like foxflash etc. Have for example msd/msv bench, tcu al551/2.

One tool can do this and another tool can do that. They are complementary devices.

2. It is not the same as Flex even though they look similar. This tool is a single unit. Flex uses benchbox. Flex costs something like $8000 for all modules.

3. Formulaflash’s checksum function is very powerful and has many exclusive algorithms and advantages. Please check the checksum list for details.

FormulaFlash Vehicle List Download
Checksum List Download

4. Formula Flash has a lot of Bosch ECU as FC200. But they are separate tools. It does better checksum correction than FC200.

5. Formula Flash is not a clone tool. It wants an annual fee for support and updates after 12m.

6. Windows Defender didn’t register any viruses when you installed the software, which means it is not be a clone. Other clone tools may contain viruses.


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