How to Transfer Foxflash Ownership?

 Question 1:

I've ordered a foxflash tool. I need to change the registered email from to How to do it?

Question 2:

I sold my Foxflash to one of my friends, can i transfer ownership to my friend?

How to Transfer Foxflah Onwership?

Read the rules on the official website.

How to Transfer Foxflash Ownership

Communication of used tools

1. Contact your seller (send S/N, order number, your seller will report the request to foxflash team to confirm you are purchasing an eligible item)

2.Contact (send S/N, seller information and request)

Before buying used foxflash products we ask you send both the serial number of the tool and the data of the seller so that you know

-Type of license and activated software packages
– Possibility of installation on other computers
-Warranty on any damage
-Cost of transfer of ownership



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