Foxflash Failed to Write BMW MSV70 via OBD?


Foxflash read MSV70 E60 523i via OBD, wrote mod, but failed. tried to write ori again, gets stuck at 93% anyone had this issue?

Foxflash Failed to Write BMW MSV70 via OBD


Voltage looks low, write at least 13.8v.

If still failed to write mod file, only if Mod file bad, you will need to Write original file in BDM.

Foxflash Pinout to Siemens MSV70

Foxflash Failed to Write BMW MSV70 via OBD

Solder the dip/sip connectors on the pcb and do a link:

Foxflash Failed to Write BMW MSV70 via OBD

Foxflash Failed to Write BMW MSV70 via OBD

To read and write use the following driver:
→ MPC55x/56x

ECU tool recommendation: PCMtuner


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