Foxflash Simos 18.1 Error Unlock Password Write Solution


Hello, I have a problem when writing simos18.1 with foxflash, the ecu is connected in boot. (I am sure it's connected correctly because I checked it over 20 times and was able to read password and then files and do the write all successfully). When I try to write back by doing write all and use the original _all file it writes without any problem. When I write the original separately by either doing eeprom or flash it gives an error saying "error unlock password write 1". Same thing happens when I write modified file back.

Foxflash Simos 18.1 Error Unlock Password Write Solution

Foxflash Simos 18.1 Error Unlock Password Write Solution

Foxflash Simos 18.1 Error Unlock Password Write Solution


Ensure the password file password_adv is located in the Dfb main program folder.

Path: \Program Files (x86)\FoxFlash Manager\foxflash\DFB Technology folder.

Remove all resistors and boot from ecu, Connect up power+canH+CANL and do a bench OBD get info. then disconnect from do bench mode password, read password (delete old password from folder first). then disconnect bench and read flash eprom. Power off ecu /fox flash and restart foxflash software. Connect again, and try Write.


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