Will Foxflash Read Kubota EDC17CV45 ECU?


Will foxflash programmer read and write edc17cv45 or not? I don't see anywhere in software have Kubota edc17cv45, where it's ?


foxflash software does not have Kubota edc17cv45 driver on the list. But there is a BOSCH EDC17 CV54 [1767 ]– Agco [Diesel] driver.

If the processor CPU is the same as TC1767 there is a chance to read/write it on bench.

To read and write EDC17CV45 [1767] use the following driver:
→ TC1767
→ EDC17 CV54

Pinout is the same for KUBOTA EDC17cv45 tc1767

Foxflash Read Kubota EDC17CV45 ECU

If CPU processor is not TC1767, then fox flash will not read and write this ecu.

You may need other programmers, dimsport etc.

Here is the bench pinout to Bosch EDC17CV45 TC1872 Kubota to dimsport.

Foxflash Read Kubota EDC17CV45 ECU


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