FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

 Foxflash successfully read and write EDC16c3 Peugeot/Renault in BDM Mode.

Read ID ok

Read eeprom and flash pk

Checksum is done by foxflash.

Write Ext Flash ok.

Very stable and fast.

It's a adapter from ktag. some work some don't as pin different.

Foxflash soon released Foxflash adapters.

Here's the BDM pinout to EDC16c3 ECU

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

To read and write use the following driver:
→ [brand]
→ MPC555/6 — [brand]
→ EDC16 C3

Read OK

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

Write OK

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode

FoxFlash Read and Write EDC16C3 in BDM Mode


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