How to Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner?

 Question: How to clone a Hyundai/Kia Continental SIM2K-241 ECU. PCMTuner Module 30 will read full and write?

Answer: No, OBD only partial flash, needs to be done in BSL 53 to get eeprom and full flash. Module 30 OBD or read password and open up ECU for BSL in 53.

(Check Module 53-BSL)

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

How to read and write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCM Tuner?

1- read password with module 53 (module 53 sim2k-24x read password, if you can’t do this you cannot proceed!!). read password BEFORE opening ecu and connecting PCB. Read password and save.

2- solder boot and bridge. open ecu connect your boot and CNF connections to PCB and ensure they are correct. Power on device, read flash and eeprom (when asked select the password you saved).


Siemens SIM2K-241 on the desktop (smaller connector) :

1,2,4 — ECU Ground (just connect one of the contacts)

77 — CAN-High

60 — CAN-Low

3,5,6,75 — + 12V (main relay power supply)

41 — + 12V (ignition on)

58 — + 12V (unswitched power)

53 — output of the main relay control

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

Read and Write Hyundai Kia SIM2K-241 with PCMTuner

3- open ECU and use pcmtuner instructions as they are easier, select corresponding TCxx and flash, read module 53 tc1738-tc1767 (the ECU have both micros, you have two Processors (TC1767 TC1738) one gearbox one Engine). when prompted for password, select password you previously saved. same for micro.

*You need to read password first in 53 BEFORE connecting in boot to read flash and EEPROM,. Also physically look at processor number as can be either .

Read also:

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

PCMTuner Hyundai Kia Sim2k341 Pinout

PCMTuner SIM2K-D160 pinout


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