PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

 Iecutool.com here provides pcmtuner bootloader wiring diagram for Hyundai sim2k-240 ecu.

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

sim2k-240 IROM TC1767


BSL130 — no

BSL131 — yes

BSL132 — no

BSL-ADP — not required

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

Ans here is the wiring diagram from Pcmtuner Marty.

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader PinoutPCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout


If pcm tuner failed to verify checksum when save file, it saved though, don’t worry, it will still calculate correctly when writing.

Module 50 for

2.0L, 2.4L (SIM2K-140)

2.0L, 2.5L (SIM2K-D160)

2.0L, 2.4L (SIM2K-141/142/341)

2.0L (SIM2K-C201)

2.0L, 2.0T (SIM2K-240/241/242/245)

Supported: Reading, Writing, Checksum Correction

PCMTuner Hyundai SIM2K-240 Bootloader Pinout


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