
PCMTuner VZ-performance No Customer Information Found?

  Problem: How to fix this problem? I got the pcmtuner and want to login VZ-performance center to download vr files. If failed me and says no customer information found, any solution? Solution: your account may not be active yet. Wait fot 24 to 48 hours in working day to automatically activated it.

Fetrotech Tool Software Win10 Pro Installation (NEW)

 Here is another Fetrotech Tool software Windows 10 Pro system installation instruction shared by Stephane Matyjasik. Here is the solution : Desactiver windows defender, smartscreen etc… Go in settings bar > Administration tools > Computer management > Local users and groups > Users, double click Admin and check that account is not disabled. Go in task manager > type "powershell" then check run with admin privileges type "net user admin /active:yes" a confirmation message appears: the function was run something like that. (The user's Windows is french version, if you have english or other version, in powershell you must write the good name. You can use Net user to know the name of administrator account.) Close the current user session (do not use change user) Open the admin session Go to to download fetrotech software Once done, go into task manager and then run a new task, use browse to retrieve the installat

Fetrotech Tool EDC16C32 S1 and S2 Pinout Error Solution

  Problem: I tried to read Edc16c32 Mercedes w245 180cdi but Fetrotech tool software shows error s1 and s2 pinout error. Any solution Solution: The error means it not going into service mode, check the other connections and depending on brand of c32 MERCEDES/SMART EDC16C32 have 2 different pinout options. If your pinout not working, try another option. Mercedes EDC16C32 pinouts

Fetrotech Task Bar Disappear Another Solution

 Here is the another fetrotech tool fix from Marty pcmtuner. Issue: Task bar killed. Tried admin, no antivirus. Task bar disappears after the splash screen! Solution: Just do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and open the task manager, then look for any instances of "windows explorer" if there are more than 1 you will right click on each except one and END TASK, for the last remaining I click the restart button in the lower right. The task bar will appear. Now again I run Fetrotech software, If it does the same thing just repeat the process, Mine usually opens on 2nd attempt. Give it a try. Here are the detailed steps: Run Fetrotech as ADMIN (all antivirus and windows defender switched off) If not open and task bar disappear then press CTRL-ALT-DELETE Click TASK MANAGER Look in list for "windows explorer" On each "windows explorer" process click once, then Click RESTART button at bottm right Search bar will now reappear. Now again, just DOUBLE CLICK F

PCMTuner Module 22 Failed to Read Renault EMS3110 Solution

  PCMTuner was unsuccessful to read Renault Continental EMS 3110 by OBD2, any idea? PCM Tuner will read ems3110 continental (TC1766/1504KB) via obd. with Module 22 Valeo V40/V42 (SH7058/1024KB) Sagem 3000 (SH7055/512KB) EMS3110 (TC1766/1504KB) Dacia, Logan, Sandero, Fluence, Megane, Almera EMS3120 (TC1738/2048KB) Duster, X-Ray EMS3125 (TC1782/2560KB) Clio 4 1.6T EMS3150 (TC1767/2048KB) Nissan: Juke 1.2T EMS3155 (TC1782/2560KB) Reading, writing, checksum correction. If failed to read ems3110, disconnect ECU coolant sensor, keep ignition live by pressing start button every 20 secs for example. Disconnecting ecu coolant sensor or doing on bench with breakout box. If car is keyless you need keep ignition alive an immo off. If you have OBD breakout cable try this pinout.

Tips to Read EDC17C42 ECU with Fetrotech Tool

 Little precision I tried to read an edc17c42 with fetrotech tool following the pinout of the fetrotech support impossible to read. I opened pcmtuner and noticed there was a pinout error on can H can L. I followed this hook-up and I retried with fetrotech he read it quickly. Here's a little precision. network can it goes to the first connector in A3 A4

MPM ECU Tuning Tool "Validate Checksum Error" Solution

 Question: I got validate checksum failed error when reading ECU Ford Raptor with MPM ecu tuning tool , any solution? Solution: Do checksum manually or don't rely on file supplier who says "your checksum should be done by tool" If you modifying in Winols, you would need the correct checksum plugin for instance.