
Showing posts with the label Fetrotech Tool

PCMTuner Fetrotech Latest Activation Guide

 In order to get your pcmtuner and fetrotech tool activated as soon as possible, please follow the instruction below. 1). PCMTuner Activation : Provide BOTH license key + device ID to or customer service The device ID can be found on the back of the device Providing a license key only will not receive an activation. Fake pcmtuner does not have a device ID. It will not be activated by pcmtuner technician. 2). PCMTuner Dongle Activation Provide an image of your pcmtuner dongle and package + license key to or customer service 3). VZ-performance Activation: VZ tuner account is no longer automatically activated in 24 hours !!! Before activating VZ account, check if your pcmtuner/dongle has been activated. If you get your device activated and registered, your VZ account is activated at the same time. If the device is activated but not yet registered with an email, provide pcmtuner serial number + r

Fetrotech Tool Read and Write Peugeot MD1CS003

  Fetrotech tool (Silver) read and write 2018 Peugeot 5008 MD1CS003 ecu successfully. 2018 — Peugeot 5008 1.5 BlueHDi 130HP MD1CS003 — Read/Write and do checksum. Very fast. Amazing.

Fetrotech Tool Read Hyundai EDC16C39 on Bench

 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 CRDI 2006 EDC16C39 ecu read ok with fetrotech tool very fast. Hyundai Chevrolet EDC16C39 pinout Fetrotech read and write without problem

How Fetrotech Tool reads Mercedes EDC16C2 on Bench

  Fetrotech Tool EDC16C2 Mercedes pinout:- please also connect CANH + CANL pinouts for fetrotech are already available, this is fix

How to Install Fetrotech Tool Software on Win7 64bit?

 Windows 10 is recommended for fetrotech tool software installation. If you have Win7 laptop only, try the solution here. User working experience: 'I would like to share my experience of installation Fetrotech software on Windows 7 x64 unlimited. So, Fetrotech didn't want to start after installation. I have tried all tricks/recommendations but no result. Helps only activation of superadmin. How to Activate Super Administrator Account in Windows: Before, I have noticed, when I go to properties of license files to unblock the file and apply the changes, everything looks Okay, but when you open it again, blocking still there… So, was not enough admin permission and file came back to block. After opening superadmin it stay unblocked. Good luck. If you install software on Win10, follow solutions here

Fetrotech Tool and ECU Bench Tool Which is Better?

 EDC16 MG1 MD1 ECU programmers Fetrotech Tool and ECU Bench Tool which one is better? Check the table comparison below: In sum: Fetrotech tool software is encrypted, it requires activation. Installation requires a modern laptop. ECU bench tool does not need activation and software is easier to install. But it is less stable than fetrotech. Fetrotech is a good buy once they solve the installation problem. Fetrotech has better technical support as it is from pcmtuner team. You can check wiring diagrams in pcmtuner app. Don't update both tools online. Update by link once new version comes out.

Fetrotech Tool Software Win10 Pro Installation (NEW)

 Here is another Fetrotech Tool software Windows 10 Pro system installation instruction shared by Stephane Matyjasik. Here is the solution : Desactiver windows defender, smartscreen etc… Go in settings bar > Administration tools > Computer management > Local users and groups > Users, double click Admin and check that account is not disabled. Go in task manager > type "powershell" then check run with admin privileges type "net user admin /active:yes" a confirmation message appears: the function was run something like that. (The user's Windows is french version, if you have english or other version, in powershell you must write the good name. You can use Net user to know the name of administrator account.) Close the current user session (do not use change user) Open the admin session Go to to download fetrotech software Once done, go into task manager and then run a new task, use browse to retrieve the installat

Fetrotech Tool EDC16C32 S1 and S2 Pinout Error Solution

  Problem: I tried to read Edc16c32 Mercedes w245 180cdi but Fetrotech tool software shows error s1 and s2 pinout error. Any solution Solution: The error means it not going into service mode, check the other connections and depending on brand of c32 MERCEDES/SMART EDC16C32 have 2 different pinout options. If your pinout not working, try another option. Mercedes EDC16C32 pinouts

Fetrotech Task Bar Disappear Another Solution

 Here is the another fetrotech tool fix from Marty pcmtuner. Issue: Task bar killed. Tried admin, no antivirus. Task bar disappears after the splash screen! Solution: Just do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and open the task manager, then look for any instances of "windows explorer" if there are more than 1 you will right click on each except one and END TASK, for the last remaining I click the restart button in the lower right. The task bar will appear. Now again I run Fetrotech software, If it does the same thing just repeat the process, Mine usually opens on 2nd attempt. Give it a try. Here are the detailed steps: Run Fetrotech as ADMIN (all antivirus and windows defender switched off) If not open and task bar disappear then press CTRL-ALT-DELETE Click TASK MANAGER Look in list for "windows explorer" On each "windows explorer" process click once, then Click RESTART button at bottm right Search bar will now reappear. Now again, just DOUBLE CLICK F

Tips to Read EDC17C42 ECU with Fetrotech Tool

 Little precision I tried to read an edc17c42 with fetrotech tool following the pinout of the fetrotech support impossible to read. I opened pcmtuner and noticed there was a pinout error on can H can L. I followed this hook-up and I retried with fetrotech he read it quickly. Here's a little precision. network can it goes to the first connector in A3 A4